Sunday, August 10, 2014

Old Stone Bridge -- Duke Farms

Typically, there is a rush and feeling of contentment when I finish a painting or drawing.  This feeling quickly diminishes and is replaced by the thoughts of my Inner Critic, whom always finds some fault or error to plague my peace of mind.  However, a full 24 hours later and I still really like this painting of the old stone bridge that leads into the Duke Farms.  This is my best effort at a robust use of light/dark contrast .

One of the nice things about painting on location is that you get to meet all kinds of interesting people who ask if they can watch you paint.  On Saturday, I felt like an exhibit at the zoo, with a parade of people coming by, to what I thought was a remote spot (the bridge may be the main entrance, but I had never saw anyone walk down its slopes before to sit where I did for the painting).  All in all, it was a fun day to paint.

                         Watercolor and pen & ink on paper 5.5x8.25


  1. One thing in particular that I am pleased with is the transition from the light, sunnier area that is less finished, to the dark, shadier side which looks more complete.

  2. I love this--and it really transports me to where you sat to paint it: the relative coolness of the shade and warmth of the sunny areas, the buzzing of insects and stillness of the air. Your Inner Critic definitely should be bound and gagged on this one!
